Order a Locate

Easy online Locate Request and scheduling



Bullseye Utility Locating has made it easy to order and request a utility locate online. Please select your service and fill out the form. This will prompt you to register with us. This will allow us to create a customer portal for your projects. You will be able to update us on any changes upload prints and plans. The is were all your information on your locates will be stored. Bullseye Utility locators will be able to collaborate with you and upload Field Notes, Reports & Photos of your project. All your information will be securely stored and available for you to view anytime on your customer portal. You will also be able to select your payment method whether it will be paying online requesting an invoice or a check on site. if you need help or more information please feel free to contact us directly. We are here to help.

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Bullseye Underground Utility Locating, LLC
On a scale of A+ to F

Reviewed, Evaluated and Accredited

Meets All 8 Standards of Accreditation

BBB Accredited since 2011 for 8 years of continuous Accreditation

BBB Accredited: Thursday, February 28, 2019
BBB Rating as of: Thursday, February 28, 2019