Bullseye Locating offers a wide range of utility locating services to help homeowners, contractors, and facility owners. From (EM)Electromagnetic Locating to (GPR) Ground Penetrating Radar & Concrete Scanning, we provide you the most accurate and thorough solutions for all your underground utility locating needs. With our quality services and expertise in the field, we assure you 100% satisfaction on the completion of your projects.

Electromagnetic Locating is the cutting-edge technology used for tracing the locatable utility lines, metallic pipes as well as for clearing drilling locations. Electromagnetic Locators are usually made of two parts- a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter is meant to emit a selected frequency. However, the receiver detects these radio frequencies which enables the operator to accurately locate and detect and the pipes, cables and other utility lines. Bullseye Locating delineates the utility with paint and flags to show it locations.
Bullseye locating technicians are NULCA certified to conduct ground penetrating radar locating. At Bullseye Utility Locating, we use high-tech GPR equipment., for the tracing of structures, utility lines and features buried deep under the ground. GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) is one of the most efficient technologies which can employ radio waves from 1 to 1000 MHz Frequency range. GPR consists of three main parts; control unit, antenna and power supply. It’s an advanced equipment which is commonly used in construction, utility locating, environmental studies, geographical surveys, etc.
Cement scanning is a procedure used to detect utilities under a cemented surface. Before you start cutting into a cement surface you need to make sure that you don’t accidentally harm an electrical circuit or any other essentials that might be embedded under the cemented surface. Usually, cement walls and floors contain electrical cables, rebar, fiber optics, mesh, voids, conduit, and tension cables.
Sondes are also known as moles, beacons or mini transmitters. They are self-contained transmitters which are used to locate gas pipes, water pipes and many others non-magnetic utility lines. Sondes are attached to Flexrod pushed along the pipe. The Fexitrace products help in finding the entire path of the pipe rather than the end only. It also helps in locating ducts, sewers, drains and precise location of collapses. Additionally, the blockages can also be determined by pushing until the sonde stops and then locating that position. 512 Hz sondes and many other 512 Hz transmitted devices work with any Schonstedt pipe & cable locator model.
Specially made waterproof cameras allow for a visual inspection of sewer lines and other pipes that are underground, in cement and under your home’s foundation. … The flexible rod allows the camera to travel through the pipe—even around corners—to see the pipe in its entirety.
Archaeologists and remote sensing specialists around the world rely on GSSI ground penetrating radar (GPR) as a key tool for non-invasive site investigation. Whether the goal is site mapping for excavation or locating sensitive cultural resources for preservation or avoidance, GSSI’s remote sensing technologies have been the tools of choice for nearly 50 years.